Tuesday, May 14, 2024

West Wetlands Park Disc Golf Course in Yuma, AZ

Basic Information

Course Location: West Wetlands Park
Geographic Location: west side of Yuma, AZ (32.72961, -114.63766)
Date Visited: February 2024
Number of Holes: 9
Course Length: 2425 feet, par 27
Cost to Play: free
Difficulty Level: recreational, low
Carts: should be fine here
Potential to Lose Discs: medium due to nearby canal
Course Walkabout Video:

Driving Directions: From downtown Yuma, drive 1st Street west 12 blocks to 12th Avenue and turn right on 12th Ave.  12th Ave. dead-ends at West Wetlands Park.  Take the 2nd exit from the traffic circle at the park entrance and park in the large blacktop lot for the park's disc golf course and play area.  #1 tee is at the southwest corner of this parking lot.

Course Constructions:

Tees: 1 per hole; grass, marked by plastic markers buried in the ground
Baskets: Discatcher, 1 per hole
Signage: course map near #1 tee
Amenities: playground

Summary Review: 1.5 Stars (out of 5)

The disc golf course at West Wetlands Park needs to be redesigned.  The course has 9 baskets in decent shape and plays across a nicely mowed grass area, but those are the only 2 good things I can say about this course.  The dirt/grass tees are marked only by plastic markers buried in the ground, and most of these markers are difficult to impossible to find.  Thus, you need to take a picture of the course map near #1 tee to have any chance of being able to play this course as designed.  Then again, the completely flat and very open ground on which this course exists lends itself to safari golf quite well.  There used to be a set of yellow posts that created contrived mandatories (mandos) and doglegs for added difficulty, but most of those posts are gone now.  A few trees and other possible obstacles exist on the property, but none of them are used to any effect.  A heavily used playground sits near hole #2, and I saw several people using this course as a dog park.  Thus, there are safety hazards on this course as well.  The course route does not form a loop: you have to walk across 3 different fairways to get to the parking lot after finishing hole #9.  This park has enough available land that a decent course could be built here, but what is here right now isn't it.  That said, this course is the only course within 100 miles of Yuma.  Hopefully local leaders will see the potential and make necessary improvements to give the Yuma disc golf community a course they can enjoy.

Hole-by-Hole Review 

Distances taken from dgcoursereview.com; link provided above.  Picture sequence for each hole is 1) tee, 2) approach, 3) basket to tee.

Hole #1: 250 feet, par 3
Comments: A completely open hole except for a pair of tiny trees directly between the tee and basket.  A slight right-to-left disc flight should easily get you around the trees and set up a birdie opportunity.  #2 tee is to the right.

Hole #2: 325 feet, par 3
Comments: A completely open hole with the play area a little too close for comfort on the right.  The course sign says this hole is a dogleg right, but the mandatory pole on the inside of the dogleg is missing.  #3 tee is to the left.

Hole #3: 150 feet, par 3
Comments: The shortest hole on this course, it plays the opposite direction as the previous hole.  This hole is completely open except for a few small trees around the basket, which is right beside a concrete seating area.  #4 tee is to the right.

Hole #4: 250 feet, par 3
Comments: Designed as a dogleg left, the mandatory pole is missing, but you can use the #9 basket as a mando: it is near where the mandatory pole used to be.  The paved bike path to the right of the basket is out-of-bounds (OB), but it is about 30 feet right of the basket.  #5 tee is back toward the tee and to the left, inside the dogleg of #4.

Hole #5: 450 feet, par 3
Comments: The longest hole on this course plays into the west corner of the disc golf area.  This hole has no obstacles between the tee and basket, but the 2 OBs, one left and one right, start to converge when you get close to the basket.  Thus, the area around the basket is somewhat constrained.  #6 tee is to the left and back up the fairway.

Hole #6: 250 feet, par 3
Comments: This hole plays out of the corner the previous hole played into; it is completely open with no obstacles between the tee and basket.  The canal about 30 feet to the right is OB, and a disc that sails over the fence into the canal will likely be lost.  #7 tee is to the right.

Hole #7: 200 feet, par 3
Comments: A completely open and completely boring hole.  The single medium sized trees on either side of this hole could be used as obstacles, but no.  #8 tee is to the right and back up the fairway.

Hole #8: 325 feet, par 3
Comments: A completely open hole except for a few small trees near the basket, i.e. the same as #3 but longer.  #9 tee is to the left.

Hole #9: 225 feet, par 3
Comments: another completely open hole to finish; what else did you expect?  The parking lot is to the right and across 3 different fairways.

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